Special day


30 years of scientific publication by Mappemonde

Mappemonde is a scientific journal established in 1986 by R. Brunet and R. Ferras. It aims in a general way at the improvement of the geographical knowledge and the information on the places and the territories.

Mappemonde is particularly interested in the geographical images under all their forms: maps, sketches and cartograms, models, remote-sensing images (aerial, satellite, LIDAR), 3D, animated and dynamic representations, GIS, etc. it is not restricted to a discipline and wishes to publish articles in the most diverse domains of the ecology, the archaeology, the sociology, the art, the town planning, the architecture, etc.

For its 30 years anniversary, the journal proposes a day of reflection and debate around two themes:

  • The evolutions of the geographical image.
  • The current and future challenges in scientific publication.

The registration is compulsory (limited places), but free. Thank you for using the "Register" link in the right column of the present site.

The venue is the n°1 room at the Panthéon center of the Paris-1 university : https://www.pantheonsorbonne.fr/universite/campus/detail-campus/pth/

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